Statement as Chairwoman of the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety

Posted by
G. Hulick
January 3, 2023

Councilmember Brooke Pinto issued the following statement on today’s confirmation of the committee assignments for the upcoming Council Period of the Council of the District of Columbia.    

I am honored to serve as the Chairwoman for the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety.  

Every resident deserves to be and feel safe in their home and their community. I am extremely concerned by the high rate of gun violence in communities across the District. I believe we can have a safe society and a just society. Thus, I intend to continue to be a close partner with our new Attorney General, the executive, our hard-working Metropolitan Police Department (“MPD”) officers, our public defender service, and our criminal justice advocacy community to advance laws and policies that enhance public safety.  

The District has a responsibility to provide each and every one of our residents with the support and tools they need to succeed. I am eager to build on the years of work by the executive and the Council to identify and address those service gaps, with a focus on meeting residents where they are and providing them with critical, tailored support -- preventing crime before it happens. 

As Chairwoman of the Committee, I am committed to moving forward these critical goals. While many additional areas of focus will develop through partnerships and collaboration over the coming months, I am focused on the following three areas:  

Enhancing Public Safety and the Court System 

Improving Supports and Opportunities for Underserved Residents and Communities 

Developing Interagency and Cross-Sector Partnerships 

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