Statement on recent hate speech and acts

Posted by
G. Hulick
October 26, 2023

Councilmember Pinto released the following statement.  

“As we see hate speech and acts spread in our communities, we must stand together and call out these unacceptable and dangerous viewpoints and actions. The images projected on the Gelman Library at George Washington University and the swastikas and Nazi slogans graffitied at American University and outside an apartment building in Foggy Bottom are unacceptable and deeply hurtful and dangerous; I stand against these antisemitic statements and actions.

Standing against and calling out hate is a District value, and we must continue to stand against hate in all its forms, including antisemitism and Islamophobia. I am deeply troubled by threats against our religious and religiously affiliated institutions and aimed at our Jewish and Muslim neighbors. To neighbors who are feeling fearful: we have increased security and threat assessments around our institutions. Please know that there is more love than hate in the District.”


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